Tips for Hiking in Snake Country


Rattlesnake | Pacific Crest Trail, Mojave Desert, CA, USA, 2007

Snakes aren’t interested in biting hikers. Whether you’re walking down the trail, sleeping under the stars or taking a sneaky number two behind a not-quite-big-enough bush, snakes want to avoid a potential encounter just as much as you do.

That being said, snakes will protect themselves if the need arises. Put yourself in their skin; if someone was about to step on you, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to prevent it from happening?

Snake bites generally occur due to human carelessness or lack of awareness. Keep your wits about you, take the necessary precautions and the chances of being bitten are remote.


Listed below are six safety tips that can help in minimizing the likelihood of snakebite:

1.  Wide Berth: Most snakes will slither off when they feel the vibrations of your footsteps. If you spot a snake on the trail, stop where you are and give it time to move on. In the event that this does not occur, let it be and go around it. Don’t throw rocks, prod at it with a stick, or try to pick it up. This will only serve to agitate the snake, and possibly trigger a defensive response. If there is no way to bypass it, stomp your feet from a safe distance. Note that as a general rule, most snakes can strike a distance of half their body length; give yourself at least double or triple that. The goal being to encourage the snake to depart on its own terms, while doing everything you can to avoid being perceived as a threat.

2.  Watch your Step: Without being paranoid, pay attention to the trail ahead of you. When crossing logs/blowdowns, whenever possible step on, rather than over obstacles. A snake may be taking a siesta on the other side.

3.  Clothing: The majority of snake bites are to the ankle/lower leg area, followed by the hands (see below). If the path is overgrown or you are bushwhacking off-trail, it is a good idea to wear long, loose-fitting pants or gaiters. These items won’t completely protect you from snake bite, but they can reduce the amount of venom that is injected.

4.  Hand Placement: As with your feet, try not to put your hands anywhere you cannot see (e.g. ledges, hollowed out logs).

5.  Trekking Pole / Staff: In conditions such as those mentioned above, it is handy to have a trekking pole/sturdy stick in order to push back vegetation as you are moving along.

6.  Footwear: Wear shoes/boots rather than sandals when hiking in snake country. Whilst taking a pee in the middle of the night, put on some footwear and carry a headlamp/torch.


Cottonmouth | Big Cypress National Preserve | Florida Trail, 2012.


Different snakes produce different types of venom. As a consequence, certain First Aid recommendations for snake bite are country or region-specific (see Treatment in Australia below). Nonetheless, there are a handful of widely accepted steps that the victim can take irrespective of their geographic location. Here are ten tips on what to do if bitten by a snake:

1.  Stay calm: People are more likely to go into shock from fear and agitation than they are from the actual bite itself.

2.  Do not try to capture the snake. If the snake is still in view and you aren’t sure of its species, make a mental note of any distinguishing characteristics, or take a photo of it for identification purposes. This would probably be a good time to use the zoom. Definitely no “group selfies”; I was going to put a little smiley face here, but I suspect there have been numerous yahoos that have actually done this.

3.  Do not use antiquated methods such as cutting the area, sucking out the poison or applying a tourniquet, all of which can potentially do more harm than good.

4.  The value of Extractor Pumps is questionable at best, and their use is not recommended by snakebite experts.

5.  Remove any jewelery in case of swelling.

6.  Do not drink alcohol or caffeine, which can speed the rate at which your body absorbs venom.

7.  Limiting movement is vital. If possible, immobilize the bitten limb with a splint. Firm, but not too tight, as you need to allow for swelling.

8.  If you are close to a trailhead, slowly walk out and then seek medical attention immediately.

9.  If you are a long distance from civilization and have cell phone service, call Emergency services and seek medical advice. If there is no phone service and you are hiking in a group, one of the members should walk out and seek medical assistance ASAP.

10.  Hiking Solo: If you are hiking solo and have no cell phone (or at least no coverage) you are left with a decision to make. You either wait for help or walk out. If you are hiking in a popular area then your best bet is the former option. On the other hand, if you are bitten in a place where the odds of someone coming along are slim, your only alternative may be to walk out. If this is your decision, do not rush as it will only increase the rate in which the venom is spread. In such a scenario, it is even more important that you splint the bitten limb in order to limit any unnecessary movement.

Treatment in Australia

My homeland of Australia is the deadly snake capital of the world. Yay. Indeed, it is the only country/continent in which the majority of snakes are venomous.

Since the 1970’s the recommended treatment for all snake bites in Australia is the Pressure Immobilization Method, a technique that differs from regions with mostly non-neurotoxic snakes (e.g. North America & Europe) in the following ways:

Inland Taipan

Inland Taipan – The world’s most venomous snake | Endemic to semi-arid regions of central east Australia (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

  • In Australia it is recommended the victim DOES NOT wash the venom off the skin, as it may help in identification. This point in direct contrast to countries with non-neurotoxic snakes, in which medical authorities recommend immediately cleaning the wound with soap and water or antiseptic solution.
  • Apply a Pressure Bandage / Pressure Immobilization Technique:  Instead of washing the bitten area, in Australia, the victim is recommended to immediately apply a pressure bandage to the extremity in question. Beginning with the lower portion of the limb,  the bandage should be wrapped as high as possible; not to tight, not too loose. The purpose of the Pressure Immobilization Technique is to retard the movement of venom through the lymphatic system, by means of a combination of a firmly applied bandage and immobilization of the bitten limb. Click here for step-by-step instructions from the Queensland Government’s Poisons Information Centre.

Tiger Snake | Bibbulmun Track | Australia, 2010

    • Alternative Bandages: If you are not carrying a broad pressure bandage, your best option is to tear strips from whatever clothing items you have in your pack. Stretchy items such as thermal tops and bottoms are ideal.

Final Word

If after reading the above paragraphs you are a little concerned, take solace in the fact that death by snakebite is extremely rare. You have more chance of being hit by a car or being struck by lightning. Indeed, I have spent a great deal of time hiking in the boonies of Australia over the years and have never once been bitten. That being said, most of my friends have……….a few of them are still alive.  ;-)

9 Replies to “Tips for Hiking in Snake Country”

  1. Aa you said awareness and prevention are always best with snakes. I grew up in the Southern States of the US and snakes were just part of being outside. The only snakes I fear, are the ones I do not see. The only thing I would add to your notes would be to be aware that snakes will often sun themselves on rocks or on the trail itself.
    I am currently preparing to hike the Pacific Crest Trail so this is a timely reminder.

    1. I would add that in the spring cottonmouths shed and breed during the same period … and become blind because of the shedding … they are attracted by noise furring this time and become very aggressive … and stomping could actually attract him to come at you…

  2. “8. If you are close to a trailhead, slowly walk out and then seek medical attention immediately”

    How do you define “close” in this context? 2, 4, or 8 hours?

    1. Personally speaking, I would say within a couple of hours. Depending on where you are hiking, it will often take Emergency Services longer to reach you than it would for you & your hiking partners to make it back to your vehicle and seek medical assistance under your own steam.

  3. Yes very good advice and the Australian stuff is on the money. On a lighter side one must be very vigilent these days of the 2 legged snakes. Those who advertise products on the web that don’t match their advertising. You know the ones and of course those Russian bride adds.

    Back on real snakes. I have seen demos at agg shows where the demonstrator stood very still and the snakes didnt even think about biting him. They just glided gently over his boots. So that’s another thing. Stand very still and they wont even know your there. Interestingly you can talk to others as apparently they cant hear your voice

  4. Hello Cam – first I have to say I much I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your posts/articles. Thank you so very much. This post on snakes and the 10 tips on how to hike downhill are fantastic! I am planning on my first thru-hike (the PNT) this summer and I always scour your site first when it comes to any questions. Cheers, Jacque

  5. Thanks for sharing. I was reading the other day that once bitten you should circle the bite with a permanent marker and write down time next to it so if you lose consciousness the paramecics will know what action needs to be taken in no time.

    1. I was told this by a poison control person for insect bites- it allows you to track the swelling/spread and therefore the severity of your reaction.

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